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Created 14-Aug-09
Modified 3-Dec-09
Visitors 120
147 photos
There are three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.
- I Corinthians 13:13

August 2, 2009

2:00 p.m.
La Fontaine Bleu
Glen Burnie, Maryland

College Sweetheart, Soulmates . . .

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:brandy, celebration, maxwell, tyrone, wedding

Guestbook for Maxwell Wedding [2009]
Cecelia Olayinka(non-registered)
ooops! add #82. #88 is already included in favorites. Can you pleez fix these errors technotish and then delete. I don't want' to look like a tech dinosaur to all you techno whiz kids out there. Thanx.
Cecelia Olayinka(non-registered)
oops!! change #11 to #111 and add #88 to favorite photos. Thanx.
Cecelia Olayinka(non-registered)
I know Brandy and Tyrone will love their wedding pictures. Brandy made a beautiful bride and Tyrone is so handsome. All of the piuctures are beautiful but, if I had to pick my favorites they would definitely be #82 - blushing bride, #104 - adoring glances between mom and daughter (Tyra is soooo cute), #171 - the happy couple. Also #12 , 18, 25, 88, 190, 89, 11, 124. Actually all the pictures are beautiful. Great job!!!!!
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